Monday, September 26, 2011

Dragons' Den: ABCs About Me

Autumn and spring are, by far, the best seasons of the year
Baking pumpkin bread when it's cold or raining is warming to the heart
Changed last name, legally, twice.
Dreams crazy, weird, strange dreams that sometimes foretell actual events
Eating different foods and trying new recipes is quite enjoyable
Foolishly ran a half marathon without training.
Got appointed Raiders fan. It was not a choice.
Has Justin Beiber's "Baby" song is a ringtone.
Irritated by puctuation, spelling and capitalization errors among older students and adults
Just got married not to long ago
Kicks butt in the Michael Jackson "The Experience" Video Game
Makes some pretty darn yummy breakfast sandwiches
Needs to make more time to fit some running in schedule
Often is hungry
Plans to transfer to CSUSM
Queue on Netflix consists of "The Office" DVDs
Recorded favorite songs on cassettes
Saves lives by donating blood every 8 weeks
Takes night classes at Palomar
Unlike what others think, the smell of skunk is quite pleasant
Venerates mother
Wanted to (at one time) be President, a pediatrician, a veterinarian, an archeologist, and a back-up singer & dancer
X-Men was a cartoon favorite growing up
Years and years ago,
Zebra print was all I could think about when planning my wedding.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dragons' Den: Life Lesson

A life lesson I learned the hard way is patience. I used to think that if I demanded perfection right away things would go my way. If I rushed through everything I wouldn't have to do it again, or it would be done faster. Then, I wasn't completing tasks neatly or correctly. I found myself becoming frustrated more than anything. I learned that people tend to err a lot and that no one is perfect. It's okay if things don't come out right the first time because there is always room for improvement, too. Now, I tend to take things more lightly. I pause, maybe take a breath, and wait. If things don't come out the way I want them, I try again.

Dragons' Den: Shoes

My favorite brand of shoes is Nike. In case you have never seen them, these shoes are flip-flops. They are very comfortable and come in a variety of colors. I wear these Nike sandals on a regular basis because they are extremely cushioned and help support my "arch" (I have very flat feet). I also like these sandals because I prefer them over closed-toe shoes. I do not like wearing socks or shoes! Even in the wintertime, I wear sandals! If I saw one of my peers wearing these shoes, I would complement them.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Drangons' Den: Power Outage

On Thursday evening, I was at cross country practice when I received a text from my younger brother informing me of a power outage. In response, I continued with workout. There wasn't much I could do because I was indoors and did not require electricity. Then, I went home after practice, laid down, and took a nap. When I woke up, it was dark. I was hungry and there was nothing in the fridge. I decided to drive around to see if any places were open. I drove by the 7-Eleven, and thought "If they're open 24 hours, do they ever lock their doors? And now that there's no power or customers, do they lock the doors? This would be one of the rare times they'd be closed!" I couldn't find any place that was open, so I drove back home. When the power came back on, I was asleep and was not aware it. I was very glad, though, to wake up finding out the power came back!