Current mood: sleepy
- Mom's birthday at Tony Roma's
- Enrolled to three classes this semester: Flamenco dance, child development,
- First time I run 5 miles--without stopping. It did take 54 minutes, though. : )
- Road Runner's banquet. As I was leaving, I saw a real life skunk. Cool.
- President Obama gets inaugurated!!! History in the making....
- Gas prices: $ 1.97 @ AM/PM
- Nnena's getting bigger!
- It's freeeeezing!
- Parking at Palomar is INSANE!
- Track & Field conditioning starts....I haven't bothered to show up...
- Finally ran for one whole HOUR! Yay!
- Stiiiiiill thinking about Hawaii, but no ticket yet. :(
- It's raining!!!! And Bernice (my Toyota Camry) is cleeeeeeeeeean!
- School staff is now required to pay for breakfast and lunch. Can you believe that? Freaking FIVE DOLLARS for yucky, unhealthy food. Might as well just bring left overs, which are better tasting! Yum!
- Flamenco dance steps are a bit difficult for me to understand! I am rhythmically "challenged." I lack coordination and want to drop the class. The shoes aren't much help either; they make my feet hurt!!!!
- I received the best gift ever for my birthday. Ricky had his friend serenade me Las Mañanitas via phone. I cried all the way to work. At work, the kids sang Happy Birthday and wrote comments on Stickies which were later posted in my office and computer. Mom surprised me at track practice with cupcakes for the team. The team sang to me, and I got hugged huddle style. Stinky boys!!! I also skipped history class to go to dinner with the family.
- The day after my birthday, I almost crashed into one of the girls from work!! I was trying to wipe off bird poop with the windshield wiper, and I should have been paying more attention to what was ahead of me. I slammed on the brakes and swerved to the shoulder. That would have been a terrible wreck. Everything was fine. Thank God neither of us, or the cars, were injured. My poor Bernice has been through so much already.
-Nnena went to the vet, got her vaccinations and got spaaaaaaaayed! She was miserable for a couple of days---conehead! She had an ear infection, too. It was a hassle to put her medicine in her ears.....! She's all better now.
-Track is going well---it's a hassle, too.
-Ricky is down for his spring break.
-I missed Carlsbad 5000 because I was sick and couldn't breathe well. It's been a while since I've been sick....
-Carlos got his appendix taken out!
-Bernice didn't pass the smog test. So I have to pay a butt load to get the problem fixed.
-Little Mykal and Michael shared their birthday. We went swimming the next day.
-It's getting warmer.... Let's go swimming!
-We got our 30-days notice. The houses are being converted into Assisted Living quarters. OMG! I am so stressed out!
-I finally talk to Mommie...Things are like they were before. : )
-Mommie finally meets Nnena.
-I presented my children's book in class. So nervous! I ended getting an A+!!! 110/100 points. Woop wooop!
-We end up finding a condo on the eastern part of Escondido. Oh, man! Now we're further away from Mom and Pop's....
-Gas is $2.21
-Swine flu!!!! (N1H1 virus??) It's seen everywhere. Kinda scary...
-We moved into the new place. I like it. 1 1/2 bathrooms!!
-Homemade fish tacos at Mom and Pop's are THE BEST!!!
-Spent Mother's day with Mommie. Then went over to Mom's and had lobster tail for dinner.
-House-sitting for a co-worker in Ramona is tiring. The drive is very long! It's a 45 -minute drive from her house to my house!
-It seems like track season never ends! We're barely into League prelims....I can't wait for Hawaii!
-Nnena is staying over at Mommie's for a week.
-Gas is $2.29
-Zeus' birthday- BurgerKing :)
-Candice's birthday... awkward, but at Centre City cafe...mmm shrimp :)
-Markie's birthday was spent at the dentists...for me. Root canal. Didn't hurt too much. But Mommie sent flour tortillas with Zeus...Mmmmmmmm! : ]
-Gas is .....don't remember.
-June 20: First day of training for the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk : ]
-June 25- Mark and I are walking in to Mom's house. The TV is on: Michael Jackson is dead.
-Track & Field regionals in Norwalk.
-Mom, Pops, Mark and I head to Venice Beach----CRAZY!
-While there, we drive to Holloywood.
-Stone Temple Pilots at Harrah's with my Dulce!!! It's fate for us to be together on Fouth of Julys :) Ooooh! and then, as we were going upstairs to parking, Dulce spotted the lead singer. She was stunned and very very very stupified. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my god!" Yup...she just stood in shock. Pretty awesome night!
-July 5-9: Road Runner campy camp at Big Bear. Not too bad: cook, clean, cook, clean. Verrry busy, but fun : ]
-July 10: Bernice got new shoes (front tires, that is : ] )
-July 17: Bernice gets hit by a Lexus.( Totally his fault) : [ We are miserable! I get $100 outta it. The driver felt bad "for ruining" my weekend. I turn that in for a money order and send it to the 3-day Walk : ]
So I'm carless for a couple of days AND
-I have to go to Ramona that day to house and dogsit. Very hectic week.
-Selling Avon and Cookie Lee. 20-25% go to my 3-Day Walk account.
-Walking, walking, walking.
-House and dogsat in Ramona
-$190 are made from Avon sales : )
-Gas is $2.71
-Hawaii is so close!!!
-Hawaii was AMAZING... words cannot describe how awesome it was-that's why there's pictures!
- Hot!
-I am missing Hawai'i too much.
-XC.... still training for the 3-Day
-Mark popped a ring : )
-Wedding plans seem stressful, but I think we might delay the date by a couple of years.
-H1N1 !!! Not...but I did get the flu and was miserable!
-Halloween- trick-or-treated for donations with Dulce and Zeus in Temecula. We raised apprx. $100 : )
-It does not seem like TurkeyTurkey month.....
-I am closer to my fundraising goal, but not quite there....nervous for the walk...
-Michael and Nando @ The Metaphor.... save the tatas : ) $30
-Donations for 3-day @ RR meet went well...another $90.......very close
-The 3Day is tomorrow....excited....I don't feel ready, but I'm ready to do it! : )